Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Your Weight is Not your Worth...

I have undergone so many changes in my life and lifestyle as of late...

Aside from those lifestyle changes, I have made personal and emotional changes, too.

I have realized that the people who matter don't care about my weight and, the people who do care or judge me because of it really do not matter.

The people who really care and truly matter love me...
These (wonderful) people love me NOT based on my dress-n-jean size...
These (amazing) people love me for me... They smile and positively regard my perfectly imperfect imperfections...

My worth to them is most definitely NOT measurable by weight in pounds. My worth to them is based so much deeper and more significant and meaningful than that...

My worth is based on my passion and my conviction, my purpose and my commitment, my effort and my determination, my humor and my sarcasm, my influence and my strength, my optimism and my unconditional positive regard...

My worth is based on my HEART and on my SOUL and all these beautifully immeasurable qualities, characteristics and ideals...

For years I have measured my own sense of self-worth by my outward my weight and how I looked (or, how I thought or felt I looked) in my own skin. And, let me tell you, I haven't always or commonly felt fabulous in my own skin. Even today, I still have my moments...some moments last mere moments while others last for moments upon moments. Isn't it a beautiful thing that Every day is a NEW day, each with a new sunrise and a new sunset...?

My weight is NOT my Worth...

My weight is NOT my worth to those who really care and really matter...

To those who really care and really matter, my worth is immeasurable. Previously unbeknownst to me, this has almost always been the case...

For the first time in, well, ever, I can say, aside from other people in my life feeling this way, SO DO I! I no longer weigh my worth in pounds or in appearance or in superficial regard. To others who matter and to me whom really matters, my weight is not by worth.

My worth is vast and vastly worthy.

My weight is not my worth because my worth is immeasurable.

My weight is not my beauty because, it too, is IMMEASURABLE!


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